St Andrew's SENDCo is Mrs Stewart. Mrs Stewart can be contacted via or through the school telephone number
01903 820676.
St Andrew's SEND Information Report can be accessed by clicking here.
St Andrew's SEND policy can be accessed by clicking here.
St Andrew's Accessibility Plan can be accessed by clicking here.
The local offer can be accessed by clicking here.
St Andrew's is a mainstream VA secondary school that currently has children in Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4. The school believes that all children and young people are entitled to an education that enables them to:
Achieve their best;
Become confident individuals living fulfilling lives;
Make a successful transition into adulthood, whether into employment, further or higher education or training.
Under section 65(3)(a) of the Children and Families Act 2014 the Governing Board is required to publish information about Special Educational Needs policy and provision. This information is updated annually and was last updated in September 2023.
At St Andrew's, we place importance on the effective and rigorous delivery of quality first teaching. We believe that this is fundamental to meeting the needs of all students, but particularly those students with specific SEND.
Quality first teaching
All teachers are expected to deliver quality first teaching strategies in their lessons. This includes differentiation, chunking instructions/activities, seating students to accommodate hearing or loss with vision; larger font worksheets; visual reminders; lists of key vocabulary and allowing students thinking time before expecting an answer.
Teaching staff receive regular training to enhance there teaching and strategies are regularly shared by the SENDCo for individual students – though they benefit all students. All students on the SEND register have a Pupil Passport outlying the specific strategies that teachers should use to benefit them.
Although there are numerous interventions and strategies that can be utilised to support students' learning, below is a list of some of the strategies used by our staff to support students with a range of different needs. This is not an exhaustive list:
Breakfast club
Lunch club
Time out card for movement/sensory breaks
Readers and scribes
Lexia – online literacy programme
In class LSA support (scaffolding, modelling, differentiated instructions etc)
Settling in group
Literacy and Numeracy groups
1:1 support
Sensory room
Use of laptops
Coloured paper books/large font worksheets
Reading pens
Wordshark online programme
Transition support
Speech and Language intervention sessions
KS4 Learning Support Group
Reading Group
Spelling Group
EAL teaching and differentiated lesson resources
Social Skills Group
Mentoring Support
College application support and attending interviews
Homework club
Homework Support
Exam practice (scribe pen etc)
KS3 targeted intervention
SEN room open at break and lunch
Dyslexia testing
Coloured overlays
Dyslexia group
Bespoke timetables
Reduced homework
Bespoke target setting using Student Passport