RS - Religious Studies
Intent Statement:
To develop reflective, confident and empathetic learners
In Religious Studies, students learn to respect and value the beliefs of others whilst developing their own beliefs and opinions. Students achieve this by engaging with world views to develop an understanding of the differences and commonalities between people and communities. Students will debate philosophical and ethical concepts to develop a moral response to the world.
Our Religious Studies curriculum is closely linked to our whole school intent.
Ambitious, capable learners ready to learn throughout their lives:
Students studying Religious Studies are challenged to have the highest aspirations for themselves and others, to gain as much knowledge and experience as possible to enable them to understand the work and world around them. Assessments challenge students, requiring them to draw on academic knowledge to think deeply and analytically. Students have high expectations of themselves, supported by a rigorous and knowledge-rich curriculum, so they are inspired to continue to be involved in education and questioning the world around them.
Enterprising, creative contributors:
Students are required to read subject specific texts and present their informed views and opinions, demonstrating a high level of oracy and literacy. All students are given a well-rounded religious, personal and social education encouraging them to reflect on their own beliefs as well as those in the world around them. Rich student experiences are offered to students to develop deeper and more valuable discussions of religious, philosophical and ethical concepts.
Healthy, confident, ethically informed citizens:
Lessons include a variety of approaches to inclusive teaching and learning, allowing students to develop a positive attitude and enjoy their learning. British values and SMSC are naturally embedded in RS, high quality teaching does not shy away from challenging topics at the age appropriate times. World views, cultural diversity, identity and religion are taught to enable all students to develop awareness, respect and consideration of others regardless of their backgrounds.
Wise and adaptable individuals
Religious Studies allows a safe place to explore and understand other cultures, beliefs and identities. All children are made in the image of God, and they are all precious whatever their belief and identities. Students are encouraged to be welcoming and caring towards all human kind demonstrating wisdom through their learning. They are actively encouraged to look for, create and take their place in the wider community whilst understanding their responsibilities towards others.
Key stage 3
Year 7
Students are introduced to the study of religion through an exploration of humanity, what it means to be human physically and spiritually. This exploration will allow students to question the meaning of life and the place of religion and belief in the world. Following on from this, students will research the history of religion, dating back to Palaeolithic and Neolithic beliefs, to encourage an academic and scholarly approach to the study of religion. These skills will give students context in which to begin their study of Old and New testament scripture. In year 7, students begin their learning journey of interpreting scripture and developing skills that will be honed across KS3, not only in order to support successful outcomes at GCSE, but to develop an inquisitive and questioning mind. Students will also utilise these skills to address philosophical and ethical issues in the world, such as the meaning of life, moral codes, along with a range of religious and non religious responses to these issues.
Year 8
Students begin year 8 by addressing arguments for the existence of God and the challenges these arguments have faced. The concepts and ideas explored will feed into modules covering the beliefs and practices of Muslims and Hindus supporting students in their exploration of spirituality across the world and allowing them to critically engage with the questions that arise from this study. Students will also engage in a unit designed to help them further their understanding of Jesus as Messiah and saviour, developing core knowledge required for GCSE. Finally, students will take the comparative knowledge they have gained of a variety of beliefs and apply it to the actions of inspirational people. They will explore how and why these people acted along with their spiritual and religious inspiration, encouraging students to reflect on their owns actions and the part they play in the local and global community.
Year 9
Students will begin to deepen their knowledge and further develop the skills needed for GCSE. They will explore topics such as religion and conflict and medical ethics as an introduction to the GCSE thematic studies. Throughout these topics, students will have opportunities to debate and discuss, leading to a greater understanding of a variety of moral responses. This will support students to develop their own opinions and their ability to appraise the arguments of others, a key skill needed for GCSE. Students will continue to develop their knowledge of wider beliefs and practices through the study of Sikhism and Buddhism, also completing their study of the 6 main world religions. Students will end the year by exploring festivals from a range of religions and places around the world. This will continue to encourage and develop students' awareness of a rich variety of cultures, practices and lived experiences.
Key stage 4
In Year 10 and 11, students will follow a GCSE in Religious Studies supported by the skills and knowledge developed during KS3. Students will study a range of beliefs, practices and themes through the philosophical, sociological and theological lenses. The course covers two components: component 1 which is the study of Christianity and Islam beliefs, teachings and practices; component 2 is thematic studies looking at 'religion and families', 'religion and life', 'peace and conflict' and 'crime and punishment'. There are two exams both lasting 1hr 45m, both counting for 50% of the final grade.
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