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How to apply


St Andrew’s is a Church of England, Voluntary Aided School and admissions are decided by the Governing Body - as the Admissions Authority - in consultation with the Diocesan Board of Education and West Sussex County Council - the Local Authority - as the School's Adjudicator.

Applications can be made either on-line or through their offices at:

Pupil Admissions Admissions Office
Centenary House
Durrington Lane
 BN13 2QB

Telephone: 0845 075 1007


Under the Education Act parents or carers can express a preference for any school but do not have the right to choose a school. West Sussex Education Authority does however make every effort to meet parental preference where possible. 


The application process for children due to transfer to secondary school starts in September each year. All West Sussex resident parents must complete an application for a secondary school place by the closing date detailed on the West Sussex County Council admissions page.

Full details of how to apply, including deadline dates, a link to the online application process can be found on the West Sussex County Council website CLICK HERE .

Please note that parents resident outside West Sussex will need to apply direct to the relevant local authority for their home address.  


If you are considering an In Year Admission, outside of the usual Year 7 admission process, please do contact our school office to discuss further with the Admissions team.

In Year Admissions are managed by West Sussex County Council.  To submit an application for your child, you must complete an In Year Admissions form which you can download from the WSCC website.  Guidance on submitting the application can be found on the form. 


St Andrew's always welcomes tours of the school and an opportunity to meet with a member of our senior leadership team.  If you would like a personal tour of the school by individual appointment, please email to arrange.

We also host scheduled open evenings and school tours throughout the Autumn term.  All open events are listed on our Open Events page.  We would encourage everyone to join us on our open evening to hear from the Headteacher, discuss the curriculum and see the renovations made to the building.  



In the event of oversubscription, St Andrew's will maintain waiting lists for all year groups in accordance with the school's oversubscription criteria. Please refer to our Admissions Policy here.


Admission Appeals will be considered by an Independent Appeals Panel attended by St Andrew's CE High School, in association with WSCC.  Please contact our school office for details on how to appeal should you wish to. 

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