Admissions policy
St Andrew’s is a Church of England, Voluntary Aided School and admissions are decided by the Governing Body - as the Admissions Authority - in consultation with the Diocesan Board of Education and West Sussex County Council - the Local Authority - as the Schools Adjudicator.
The admissions policy, which you can access via the link below, is written in accordance with the provisions of the School Admissions Code 2021. It is the responsibility of Admissions Authority to ensure that admission arrangements are compliant with this Code.
The Local Authority coordinates transfer admissions for children in year 6 in Primary schools to year 7 at High Schools, and all parents or carers must complete the Local Authority application form.
Any parent who believes that their child should be given priority according to the Admissions Policy should provide details using a Supplementary Form. Please find the relevant attachments below.
If you are interested in applying for a place for your child at our school, please follow the application process set out by West Sussex County Council.
WSCC - Secondary School Application
We are very proud of St Andrew's and would be delighted to show prospective parents our facilities. If you would like to arrange an individual visit, please contact the school office.